Get More Leads at your Next Home Improvement Show

With This Free Guide

Fill out the form below and we will send you a free guide to getting more, higher-quality leads at your next home improvement show.

Great! Exhibiting at a home improvement show is a proven way to grow your business & TIC Digital Marketing is here to help!


Get More Leads from the show!

With This Free Guide

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Stop Wasting Your Home Improvement Show Opportunities

Home shows offer a great opportunity for kitchen & bath remodelers . They are attended by potential leads who specifically want the services you offer. More leads mean more revenue and growth, which means more money in your pocket. That’s why you spend time and money to be there.

The problem occurs when you don’t generate enough leads or fail to turn leads you generate into paying customers. You go to the show without a plan, then you end up losing money and never maximize your return on investment.

That’s why you need….

The Essential Home Show Guide for Kitchen and Bath Remodelers

After seeing kitchen and bath remodelers who struggle to find leads at trade shows, we decided to offer some complimentary help.

As specialists in digital marketing and website development, we know how to help kitchen and bathroom remodelers grow their business, so we compiled an easy-to-follow checklist to make your next home improvement show a success without the stress.

This Free Guide Will Tell You
Everything You Need To:

Generate more qualified leads by setting goals before the event

Develop a 9-step plan to maximize in-person and online leads

Learn how to qualify leads and turn them into paying customers

Collect information so you can follow up on leads and nurture relationships

Drive home show traffic to your website and cultivate your brand

Leverage your event attendance for better online marketing campaigns

Promote your services before, during, and after the home show

The best part is that all this information is free, so you can grow your business, generate more leads, and develop your brand without spending another dime.

Just fill out the form and we will send “The Essential Home Show Guide” directly to your inbox

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